THE "LIQUID GOLD" YOU MUST GIVE YOUR BABY , MOTHERS! Ever wonder why some nursing mothers suffer from breast cancer, diabetes (type 2), ovarian cancer and even post-par tum depression (psychiatric disorder that consist of severe depression after child bearing)? This is because many mothers over the century have spurned the advice of exclusive breastfeeding for their babies. They go about with excuses like, I don’t have time I’m working (working class), breastfeeding will change my body shape, some say that it will cause breast sores. Not knowing that they are exposing themselves and their babies to avoidable terminal diseases. Look here! Apart you benefiting from breastfeeding your baby, you are also storing gold in your next generation. Now I’ll go straight and tell you the benefits of the “liquid Gold” you must give your baby exclusively. i. Breast milk has the capacity to reduce the risk of diseases in children, such as type 1 diabetes, atopic de