Ever wonder why some nursing mothers suffer from breast cancer, diabetes (type 2), ovarian cancer and even post-par tum depression (psychiatric disorder that consist of severe depression after child bearing)?

This is because many mothers over the century have spurned the advice of exclusive breastfeeding for their babies. They go about with excuses like, I don’t have time I’m working (working class), breastfeeding will change my body shape, some say that it will cause breast sores. Not knowing that they are exposing themselves and their babies to avoidable terminal diseases. 

Look here! Apart you benefiting from breastfeeding your baby, you are also storing gold in your next generation.

Now I’ll go straight and tell you the benefits of the “liquid Gold” you must give your baby exclusively.
i.  Breast milk has the capacity to reduce the risk of diseases in children, such as type 1 diabetes, atopic dermatitis (skin rashes), leukemia and obesity later in life.

  ii. Breast fed children have more intellectual capacity than children fed with formulas. If you doubt that, maybe a trial will convince you.

  iii. The skin-to-skin contact the baby enjoys while breastfeeding fosters attachment, warmth, and affection between, mother and child, and this reflects in the way the child relates with other people.

 iv.  The breastfeeding mother largely protects herself from type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, and postpartum depression (a psychiatric disorder that consists of that severe depression after child bearing).
 v.    Breastfeeding helps the mother to produce a hormone called OXYTIN. This hormone does two things simultaneously: it helps the mother to produce more milk and to be calm.

 vi   Breast feeding guarantees less spending on ailing children. Little wonder the breast milk has been tagged “liquid gold”. 

As your child grows, you should gradually introduce solid food to his diet, but don’t abruptly wean him until you are sure he’s gotten used to this kind of food. Ensure that you nourish him with good food at every stage of his development. Don’t feed him with junks like flour, sugar, and soft drinks, if you have been doing so abstain from it. Make him eat food in their natural form, this means fruits should be eaten raw, and don’t accustom him to eateries and fast-food joints. Cook good food for him and make him eat plenty of fruits and vegetable.

Thank you for having the patience to read to the end, I’m sure you’ve learnt on or two things from that short article.


  1. I am from USA. I was suffering from HEPATITIS B for over 3 years, i was hopeless until one of my friend directed me to a herbal DR. Dr Chike on Youtube, she said the Dr has herbal medicine that treat HEPATITIS B also said the Dr has helped people with. HERPES, CANCER, DIABETES, HPV, HERPES, HSV 1 .2, Fever, Fibromyalgia, Fatigue and chronic pains. At first I never believed her but after a lot of talking. I decided to contact him, just few days ago i contacted him and he told me what to do which i did and he sent to me a herbal medicine via {DHL} with prescriptions on how i will take it for a period of days. After i finished taking the medicine for 2 weeks he told me to go for a test which i also did and when the result came out i was surprised to see that i am negative. I am proud to tell you that I am the happiest person on earth. Big thanks to Dr Chike herbs .. I pray you find a solution in him. For more information on how to get treated Contact Dr on WhatsApp . +233502715551, or Facebook page, @ Dr Chike Herbal Remedy.


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